Miniature Pony Visit


We are so lucky to have had these gorgeous and cute miniature ponies visit us in Bricklehampton! The residents have loved stroking them and having a peaceful time with them, whether in their bedrooms or together in our communal lounges. It has been a pleasure to see the smiles on the resident’s faces whilst they interact with the ponies, who have been so calm, gentle, patient and affectionate with our lovely residents.

Ponies are known to offer therapeutic benefits to the vulnerable and the elderly, which is why we love having them visit us. Three key reasons why we love having them:
  • 1 – They bring joy and happiness to our residents

Having ponies in, is loved by all! Our residents and the staff! It is a unique and exciting experience and brings so much happiness and joy to all. Many of our residents may never had the opportunity to interact with ponies before, so it’s new and exciting!


  • 2 – Encourages physical activity for our residents

By interacting with the ponies, our residents get some exercise and fresh air. They love petting the ponies and if they are up to it, even taking them for walks in our beautiful surroundings. We are very lucky in Bricklehampton to have the stunning views and gardens that we do! So when you couple this with a walk with the ponies, not only is it a lovely, gentle form of exercise that they can do at their own pace, it is also a blissful experience in a stunning environment.

  • 3 – Feeling a sense of community 

By having the ponies over, we are promoting a sense of community and togetherness amongst the residents. When they interact with the ponies, they can bond over their shared enjoyment of joy with the animals. Grooming or caring for the ponies also requires teamwork, communication and cooperation with each other and the staff.

Why don’t you come visit us when we next have the ponies in? We know you will love it too!

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