Ramadan & Eid


It was lovely hosting a post Ramadan Eid celebration for all our residents at Hayes Park!

We have a diverse group of residents here and we truly embrace celebrating various events from all backgrounds and faiths! This month we celebrated Eid and also the end of the holy month of Ramadan, in which Muslims all around the world observe the act of fasting from dusk until sunset, for a whole month. Eid is the celebration that marks the end of this holy month for Muslims!

Our residents enjoyed learning about these celebrations and discussed the various ways in which Muslims celebrate, with food, decorations, gifts, charity and henna!

Our residents enjoyed socialising with each other, sharing each others traditions and the lovely array of food and activities we had on offer throughout the day!

If you would like to share more ideas with us with regards to celebrating traditions and special festivals, please do get in touch! We would love to hear from you!

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