This week at Hayes Park nursing and Residential Home, staff and residents held an Easter party to celebrate this Christian holiday in our spacious lounge. We started the celebration by making our own customised party hats which we wore throughout the whole activity keeping sprits high. There were a wide range of colours and materials they could have used to make the hats. It was great to see that they was not shy to get their hands busy when making.
As it was Easter, it was a must that we had lots of yummy hot cross buns to share among all of us. Along side, we made sure we consumed lots of chocolate, with our EasterĀ music in the background, which really lifted the mood of the residents. Everyone enjoyed themselves with lots of natural conversation and plenty of laughter throughout the day and plenty to stimulate our lovely residents.
Hayes Park, like the rest of our society, is a multi cultural environment where we enjoy celebrating all religious and cultural events. Our residents always enjoy these celebrations and these events always encourage increased levels of conversation and reminiscence amongst residents.
If you can help with celebrating any religious or cultural event, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We are always happier when the wider community, families and friends can be involved.